Tenant Organisations

Building 1:

Australasian College of Road Safety

ACRS is the peak membership association for road safety professionals, advocates, and members of the public who are focused on saving lives and serious injuries on our roads. Learn more about us and our work.

Telephone: 02 6290 2509
Email: admin@acrs.org.au


SHOUT provides members with a range of services and facilities to develop and support self-help groups in the ACT region. Our office provides a contact point for self-help groups and will provide a point of contact to refer and connect people to organisations and groups through the web-based platform.

Telephone: 02 6290 1984
Email: admin@shout.org.au

Women’s Health Matters

Women’s Health Matters is an independent, non-partisan think tank that works to improve the health and wellbeing of all women in the ACT and surrounding region. We seek to improve access to health information and enhance knowledge and understanding about the causes of health and illness among anyone who identifies as a woman.

We advocate on behalf of all ACT women, especially those experiencing disadvantage and vulnerability. We want women to feel in control of and understand the determinants of their own health and wellbeing.

Please note: Women’s Health Matters is not a health service and we do not provide medical consultations or counselling to individuals.

Telephone: 02 6290 2166
Email: admin@womenshealthmatters.org.au

Building 2:

Kidsafe ACT

Telephone: 02 6290 2244
Email: shop@kidsafeact.com.au

ACT Down Syndrome Association

The ACT Down Syndrome Association (ACTDSA) aims to improve the quality of life for people with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities by providing support and information to their families, carers, schools, employers and other organisations.

ACTDSA also aims to increase awareness of the abilities and needs of people with Down syndrome through our programs, events and activities.

ACTDSA actively works within the community to assist in the removal of barriers for people with a disability to access mainstream services.

Telephone: 02 6290 0656
Email: admin@actdsa.org.au

Building 3

Sharing Places

Sharing Places supports people with disability who have a primary intellectual disability that is likely to be permanent, results in substantially reduced capacity in the areas of functional life skills, mobility, communication, interpersonal and social skills, learning, work and leisure.  Sharing Places provides for participation in community, social and civic activities which includes the development of daily living and life skills including work readiness transition skills training, the development and implementation of communication strategies and use of augmentative communication aids, and the development and implementation of positive behaviour support programs.  Participants are supported by professionals who are committed to enhancing personal growth through a diversity of programs and quality of lifestyles within community environments.

Telephone: 02 6290 1964
Email: admin@sharingplaces.com.au